Vote set on Mealey project funds

Should Linn County Small Woodlands Assoc. spend up to $10,000 during 2020 on a Willamette Valley ponderosa pine educational grove at Sunnyside Park using RHM Pine Fund money?
That question is now before the general membership. Directors at their Dec. 5 meeting unanimously agreed to move forward with a plan to work with Linn County using money from an endowment from Robert H. Mealey.
The question will be decided at the annual membership meeting Jan. 18.
LCSWA directors have been in talks with Linn County parks about the project that will require Linn County commissioners’ approval.
The proposal includes planting 50 or so Willamette Valley ponderosa pines over a one-acre plot along Quartzville Road near Foster Lake. A covered two-sided interpretive sign would be adjacent to the grove, explaining the history and uses of the valley pine.
Sweet Home High School forestry students may also be involved with the project. Tree planting could occur in December 2020.
The ballot question will be included in the agenda of the general membership meeting, set for Saturday Jan. 18 at the Z Hall in Scio. 
For questions about the project, contact directors Jim Cota or Larry Mauter or any board member.


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