Mealey funds approved by membership

The Linn County Small Woodlands Association has agreed to spend up to $10,000 this year on a Ponderosa pine education project.
The approval came on a voice vote of the membership at its Jan. 18 annual meeting.
Board President Lee Peterman introduced the ballot measure. Board member Larry Mauter outlined the project for members. 
The proposal involves a partnership with Linn County and possibly forestry class students from Sweet Home High School.
Money for the proposed demonstration pine grove and interpretive sign comes from the Robert H. Mealey Pine fund. That fund is administered by the LCSWA board.
Roughly 75 people attended the annual meeting.
LCSWA directors have been in talks with Linn County parks about the project that will require Linn County commissioners’ approval.
The proposal includes planting 50 or so Willamette Valley ponderosa pines over a one-acre plot along Quartzville Road near Foster Lake. A covered two-sided interpretive sign would be adjacent to the grove, explaining the history and uses of the valley pine.
In other business from the annual meeting, new terms of office were approved for three existing board members.
New terms for Tim Otis, Jonathan Christie and Bonnie Marshall will expire in 2023.


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