Board minutes from Sept. 3, 2020 meeting
Linn County Small Woodlands Assoc Board of directors meeting
Sept. 3, Waterloo Park, Waterloo
Meeting called to order at 5:30 p.m. by board President Lee Peterman
Attendance: Lee Peterman, Larry Mauter, Bonnie Marshall, Shirley Holmberg, Jim Cota, Katie Kohl, Fay Sallee, Jonathan Christie (6:30 p.m.) Tim Otis (6:30 p.m.)
Minutes of June meeting: Larry Mauter move, Bonnie Marshall second approve of June minutes with the addition of attendees list. Online attendees were Christie, Marshall, Mauter, Holmberg, Otis, Peterman and Kohl. Unanimous
Treasurer’s report: Shirley Holmberg reported that college scholarship checks for academic year have been sent out. Shirley to follow up on check for Kimberly Ortiz that will go to Eastern Oregon Univ. Shirley reviewed quarterly expenses and receipts. Katie Kohl move, Bonnie second approval of treasurer’s report. Unanimous.
Old Business
Annual Budget: Shirley presented 2020-2021 fiscal budget. Numbers are close to 2019-2020 budget. Board members discussed items. Larry Mauter move, Jim Cota second approval of budget proposal with addition of $100 for treasurer’s supplies, paper and ink. Approval unanimous.
Seedling sale: Bonnie Marshall delivered report. Santiam Building reserved for Feb. 5 and 6, 2021. Linn fairgrounds person (Randy) says event “still a go” at this point. Bonnie has ordered heavy from Brooks the year long with orders from Heritage and Seven Oaks. Discussion followed on options to do pre-orders and hold the annual live sales. Key for us now is to remain flexible with our plans. Fay pointed out we will need plexiglass for cash sales. She also said 4H meetings are not being held now but it is possible to invite individual families to participate in bundling and sales of seedlings. Several board members expressed support to keep 4H and university scholarships this year regardless of seedling sale results. No formal action was taken.
Woods Goods: Lee led discussion. Thoughts are to keep woodsy sales and info booths in 2021. We may need to utilize more of the building for social distancing.
ONREF: Lee Peterman reported ONREF sent letter thanking him for $7,000 scholarship donation. Lee sent letter back asking ONREF thank the association. That letter will be filed when received.
Membership: No report
Mealey Endowment: Larry Mauter reported little movement on project since March. County staff will be more free to work on project after Labor Day weekend. Most of photos and information boxes for sign is ready for layout. We may get some layout help from Jeremy at state OSWA office.
Bark Deadline: Coming Sept. 12/ Lee will write prez column/ Bonnie will write seedling sale piece/ Larry will write TFOY piece with art from Lee and Shirley.
Activities: Tim Otis, no events planned due to covid at this time. Broom Magic is coming to Brownsville. Good tour when that happens.
TFOY: Lee and Shirley and Bogwood is pick. Selection announced in Growing publication of OSU extension. We will do story in Bark with past TFOY graphic.
New Business:
4H update: from Fay, material covered above.Congrats to Sherm and Fay on 4H national honor
Z-Hall: Jonathan reported hall reserved but not yet paid for to host annual meeting. Board comments included a wait and see on potluck options given virus. Board can meet at its for annual meeting and general membership can attend to vote on issues.
Volunteer of year: Lee announced Bonnie and Lance Marshall to share honor the year. Seedling sale success with online sales booming bringing smiles to all.
Web site update: Larry reported on website hosting need. John Hood-Fysh giving up his business. Larry looking at options along with statewide OSWA organization. Site is still up and running but will soon need updating. No action taken.
Summer picnic: No plans for picnic this summer due to vis. Bogwood twilight tour possible in November.
Retiring board positions: Jim Cota and Shirley will remain on board for new term. Still looking for one or two more board members. Members can contact Lee if interested.
Next Meeting: Set for Wednesday Dec. 2. Hosted by Jim Cota and Fun Forest at 2:30 p.m. Meetings changed to Wednesday because incoming president Tim Otis works Thursdays.
Adjournment: Tim Otis move, Larry Mauter second adjournment at 7:36 p.m. Unanimous.
— Minutes submitted by acting secretary Larry Mauter
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