LCSWA board minutes posted from June 2 meeting
The following minutes were prepared by board Secretary Jonathan Christie.
Meeting of 06-02-2021
Cota forest dwelling
Jonathan Christie, Tim Otis, Lee Peterman, Larry Mauter, Jim Cota, Shirley Holmberg, Jim Merzenich, Brad Withrow-Robinson (ex officio)
Board policy restated: Any new member gets free membership for the remainder of the year upon joining LCSWA. Dues kick in the 2nd year. This is to encourage attendance for tours and events.
Minutes not reviewed. Will review next meeting.
Treasurer Report: (Shirley)
Report submitted. ~$42k balance in checking (operations, seedling, Mealey).
MM & investment accounts = over ~$100k
Report approved by voice vote. Approved.
Budget item (Shirley)
Shirley handed out a budget document.
Items of discussion:
- Shirley will get information about not having to pay an additional $50.00 to the state of Oregon for some non-profit registration. Can we avoid this by refiling under OSWA?
- We need to increase TFOY. Follow up with Mike Barsotti.
- Website re-design is a one-time expense, so will not be in budget directly; just operating yearly costs.
Consensus: We need to develop a budgetary policy for how long-term monies shall be distributed into “donations.” Goal is to develop a budget item where we can hold monies for future donations. How determine how much?
MOTION: Accept the proposed budget with addition of “supplemental education fund” listed at bottom with $1,000 line item. Addition notation that blue items (discretionary) was not included in final budget data for 2021-2022.
2nd. Passed by voice vote.
Old Business:
OSWA clothing (Lee)
Nothing selling due to no tours, etc.
Seedling Sale Update (Bonnie & Tim)
Next year scheduled Feb. 5, 2022.
Preliminary orders and contracts are planned but nothing confirms until later in the year.
Past sales finances =
final net balance 2020 = ~$7,000
2021 (net before scholarships) = ~$14,690
Motion: Donate up to $1,000 to master woodland manager program. 2nd approved by voice vote.
Brad will provide follow-up data on MWM expenses and explore this need with our ability to be a “corporate sponsor” for this program.
Membership (Jim M)
144 members.
Jim continues to communicate with those who are late with payment and/or drop off the rolls.
Robert Mealy Endowment Committee (Tim, Larry)
Tim getting quotes for kiosk and dedication date.
Larry got sign (today).
Larry wants to make a colored printout for Mealey.
Rick Fletcher will be MC at Sherm Sallee’s gathering. Can he do the Mealey one? They were close.
Larry trying to find takers for pine seedlings.
Jim C. may be able to mill pine logs to make kiosk.
Quarterly Bark:
anything of importance?
Update board box and related information.
Must delay items that are in process.
Website (Larry)
Larry will update website to discuss “new management”
Prototype already in play. 4-H kids already have a plan.
Photos needed.
no report
New Business
Summer tours (Lee)
Possibility to a merged tour with Santiam Watershed Council
Bogwood tour is on hold due to strange weather pattern leading to odd flowering.
Summer picnic at end of summer could merge with Mealey dedication. Waiting for details from County & contractors regarding kiosk (and timing).
Possible walk at Merzenich’s place with a “car tour” tour. Tentative date is June 21nd. 9:00 a.m. Monday. Brad & Tim will assist in planning.
Possible tour of fire damaged areas in the canyon. TBA Brad will coordinate. Be aware of how tour will impact others.
TFOY = waiting for paperwork.
Next Meeting:
September 2nd at the Cota Pavillion. 5:00 pm.
Meeting adjourned.
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