Pine group surveying ponderosas

The Willamette Valley Ponderosa Pine Conservation Association is working to quantify how many acres, the ages, and the location of ponderosa pine plantations in the Willamette Valley.
Mike Barsotti, executive director of the group, said this information is valuable for two reasons; it will help answer the questions: 1.) What is the future log supply? and 2.) Growth and yield tables need to be developed for ponderosa pine in the Willamette Valley and the location of stands of various ages on different soil types are needed to be measured to establish growth tables.
This information will complement the work of an Oregon State University grad student who used imagery and GIS technology to locate and quantify pine plantations in the Willamette Valley.
If you have or know of pine plantations in Willamette Valley, it would be very helpful if you would complete this online form (click the form link) or send by email the location, acres, and approx. age of the pine stand to


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