Tree farmers honored Oct. 26 in Silverton

The Shiver River Tree farm was the focus of a nice feature published Oct. 3 in the Albany Democrat Herald.
The Benton County tree farmers were selected as tree famers of the year. They will compete for state honors during a recognition luncheon Saturday Oct. 26 at the Oregon Garden in Silverton.
In Linn County, Tim and Kathy Otis and their family were selected as tree farmers of the year. They will also be among the honorees.
Joe Holmberg, tree farmer of the year coordinator for the Linn County Small Woodlands Association has compiled a list of past recipients of the honor for this chapter. He is still looking into past records to expand this list. If you can help, contact Holmberg at

2019 Kathy and Tim Otis
2018 Sherm and Leslie Weld
2017 Ivan and Rebecca Wolthius
2016 Joe and Shirley Holmberg
2015 Dave and Karen Bateman
2014 Linda Butts
2013 Rod and Ann Bardell
2012 Ed and Jim Merzenich and Karen Wilson
2011 Henry and Mollie Wolthius
2010 Dale and Shirley Crocker
2009 Fun Forest (Melcher and Cota families)


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