
Showing posts from October, 2019

Hibbs-Karr tour focuses on wildlife habitat

Hibbs-Karr tour  shows steps toward improving forests for wildlife By Lee Peterman Linn County Small Woodlands Assoc. president When asked what they want of their forests, many family landowners list things like improving their forest’s health,  increasing wildlife and resistance to wildfire.   Many young forests, however, suffer from “production-plantation” style of reforestation. As a result, they are too uniform and dense for those benefits. Steps needed to create a more diverse and healthy forest can be expensive.   The Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) has rolled out new cost-share funds to help landowners improve the conservation value of conifer forests in western Oregon.   On the cool and damp morning of Oct 19, a hardy group of about 25 individuals in rain gear and mud-boots assembled in the parking lot of the ODFW* field office in Adair Village.  OSU Extension Agent Brad Withrow-Robinson took the roll and ...

Oops and apologies to readers of the Bark

Just received my copy of the Bark for October, 2019. The story announcing the date for the Linn County annual membership is incorrect. My fault. The annual meeting is Saturday Jan. 18. Doors will open at the Z Hall in Scio. Thanks for your understanding. We'll try to do better next time/ Larry Mauter

Tree farmers honored Oct. 26 in Silverton

The Shiver River Tree farm was the focus of a nice feature published Oct. 3 in the Albany Democrat Herald. The Benton County tree farmers were selected as tree famers of the year. They will compete for state honors during a recognition luncheon Saturday Oct. 26 at the Oregon Garden in Silverton. In Linn County, Tim and Kathy Otis and their family were selected as tree farmers of the year. They will also be among the honorees. Joe Holmberg, tree farmer of the year coordinator for the Linn County Small Woodlands Association has compiled a list of past recipients of the honor for this chapter. He is still looking into past records to expand this list. If you can help, contact Holmberg at . 2019 Kathy and Tim Otis 2018 Sherm and Leslie Weld 2017 Ivan and Rebecca Wolthius 2016 Joe and Shirley Holmberg 2015 Dave and Karen Bateman 2014 Linda Butts 2013 Rod and Ann Bardell 2012 Ed and Jim Merzenich and Karen Wilson 2011 Henry and Mollie ...

Annual meeting will be Jan 18 at Scio hall

The ZCBJ Hall on Main Street in Scio will again host the annual membership meeting of the Linn County Small Woodlands Association. Board Secretary Jonathan Christie confirmed the reservation date for Saturday, Jan. 18. Doors open at 4:30 p.m. with potluck service beginning at 5:30 p.m. Soft drinks and coffee are provided. Bring your own table service. Members set up chairs and tables for the dinner as the doors open.  OSWA Executive Director Jim James is expected to provide an update on activities of the state organization. A guest speaker from the forestry industry will be invited. The annual meeting is a business meeting for the board of directors and general membership.  It is also the opportunity to meet scholarship recipients LCSWA has funded at Oregon State University and 4-H. There are door prizes and an auction of goods crafted from wood. The annual membership meeting is also a good time to introduce a neighboring tree farmer to the organization, accordi...