OSWA goods sale pays dividends

Here is note of thanks from chapter President Lee Peterman. The OSWA goods booth operation at state convention in late June will help our chapter with annual expenses. 

I would like to take a moment and give a shout-out to those who stepped up to assist with the OSWA Goods sales booth this Friday past at the OSWA/Benton Chapter Tree Farmer of the Year program.
First, to Bill and Debbie Bowling (Linn Chapter Volunteers of the year !) for all the hard work of ordering, stocking and organizing the OSWA goods. Without their efforts, the booth would be chaos in setting up and keeping an accurate inventory; they did all the heavy lifting -- all credit to Bill and Debbie !
The Linn members I would like to note for taking time from their busy schedules to help out are from morning shift: Fay Sallee with Christy Tye and Conner.
Afternoon shift: Uwe and Wanda Fink, Ken Crouse and Jim Merzenich. An extra gold star to Bonnie Marshall, who not only helped with the sales, but who also stayed through to the bitter end to assist in tear-down of the shelves/racks as well as packing boxes and getting them ready for loading ! 
I think we did well in sales and the OSWA organization should be pleased with our enterprise and of course, the Linn chapter gets something out of it -- we'll be running in the black for our time and efforts.
Please note that this is the final event planned for 2019, but we will need folks to help out in March 2020 for Tree School at Clackamas College; it would be greatly appreciated if we has as good a volunteer turn out. Remember, many hands make light work...  And it's for the Linn Chapter !   Keep it in mind.


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